
About Us

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This website is dedicated to help Fig & fruit tree enthousiasts across the country to buy and sell their favourite varieties of plants, trees and cuttings! The site allows you to post, view, buy and sell without any fees. That's right I decided to make this website completely FREE! I wanted to focus more on making the website popular and having many people join and use the website. Later on I may have some advertising to help with some of the cost. Also If anybody would like to help us out you can donate some money to support the site here

Signup as a customer or as a vendor and start taking advantage of this great tool!

Richard K.

Founder, CEO

My name is Richard I've been growing figs in my backyard in the Toronto area for over 10 years now. My love for growing, collecting and let's not forget EATING figs inspired me to create a website called to sell cuttings and fig trees to other gardeners in Canada. Then I realized there were so many passionate fig growers in Canada that I  put together this site FigTrades,ca to make it easy for anyone around the country to easily Sell, Trade or acquire their favorite tree!

Meet The Team

Our team of Figs is always there for you producing the freshest backyard figs. Our team is from all over the world with many different colours and flavours. We don't always agree on everything but we always make sure to create an exceptional taste in your mouth.

i258 - President

We Work With the Best Gardeners.

It's very important to trust the source of your cuttings and trees that's why at we make sure that only reputable vendors are on our site. We take any complaint very seriously and ban anyone who does not exercise extreme honesty with their listings and products.

Do you want to become a Vendor or customer?

Signup today and start selling buy or trading your Fig Trees, Fruit Trees and other gardening related items.

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